[A83] Re: nibbles / snake
[A83] Re: nibbles / snake
> Don't give me immediately z80, but just the basic ideas,
> if you mind. I myself AM able to do some z80 asm, only
> these questions bother me. Perhaps there are more things
> I do not know, but those are for later...
I was a bit surprised when I read you post. Is it possible
that you couldn't come up with anything on your own
regarding such a simple problem (considering your
programming experience this is rather unbelievable), or you
just wanted to know others' opinion? [This question is not
meant to be offensive, just in case you interpret it that
way. :]
Actually, Nibbles was my first program written for the 83,
I used it to learn TI-BASIC. :) What I did to keep track of
the nibble's movement was using a simple list that
contained the directions (I think I used the numbers
1,2,3,4 to distinguish between them) for each pixel of the
nibble, and I moved a "pointer" over the list. When the
nibble ate an apple, I stopped moving the pointer for some
frames, so that it grew with some pixels in length. (Of
course, the maximal length was 999 pixels.) And I used
simple pixel testing to check collisions. If the pixel
where the next piece was to be placed was already set, then
I checked if it was the apple. If not, then poor nibble
Just a little extra advice: NEVER use XORed sprites! They
look UGLY! :)