[A83] Re: displaying values of a variable
[A83] Re: displaying values of a variable
This code should work to display the hex value of the accumulator using small
res textWrite,(iy+textFlags) ;write to display and not to graph buffer only
ld de,0
ld (penCol),de ;print in upper left corner of screen
push af
rrca ;roll bits right 4 times
and 00001111b ;you could also do and 0Fh...gets rid of four left bits
add 30h ;30h = '0',
cp 3Ah ;if a >= 3ah, no carry so add 7 to go to appropriate ASCII character.
call nc,AddAnother7
pop af
and 00001111b
add 30h
cp 3ah
call nc,AddAnother7
B_CALL GetKey ;pause after displaying
add 7
Quoting Dan Weiss <dwedit@hotmail.com>:
> To display A in the big font, you set h to 0, and l to a, then use
> disphl.
> ld h,0
> ld l,a
> bcall(_disphl)
> Before you display large text, you set CURROW and CURCOL with the
> coordinates. Because Currow and Curcol are next to each other, the
> easiest
> way to do it is to set HL to the coordinates to display it at, then set
> CURROW to hl. Because you used a Register pair, CURCOL got set too.
> Example (text at 0,0)
> ld hl,0
> ld (currow),hl
> Example (Text at 4,2)
> ld hl,$0402 ;Note: $ means hexidecimal
> ld (currow),hl
> For the small font used by the Text( command, use this routine:
> ;==========================================
> ; VDispA - Displays A in the small font
> ;==========================================
> vDispA:
> ld h,0
> ld l,a
> ;===========================================
> ; VDispHL - Displays hl in the small font
> ;===========================================
> vDispHL:
> push de
> push hl
> ld de,op1+5
> xor a
> ld (de),a
> vdhlRepeat:
> bcall(_divhlby10)
> add a,'0'
> dec de
> ld (de),a
> ld a,h
> or l
> jr nz,vdhlRepeat
> ex de,hl
> bcall(_vputs)
> pop hl
> pop de
> ret
> (note that vDispA *uses* vDispHL)
> To set the coordinates to display to, set Penrow and Pencol. note that
> unlike Currow and Curcol, X comes before Y here.
> Example (text at 0,0)
> ld hl,0
> ld (pencol),hl
> Example (Text at 40,20)
> ld hl,$1428 ;hex values of 20 then 40
> ld (pencol),hl
> >From: "Charlie Adams" <charlie_w_adams@yahoo.com>
> >Reply-To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
> >To: <assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>
> >
> >How would you go about displaying a value in the accumulator (a) in an
> Ion
> >program? I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, I'm new to asm.
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