[A83] Re: Getting a value from a data table
[A83] Re: Getting a value from a data table
>> If I had a data table, and I wanted to load a value from it into any
>> register, how would I do this?
>> datatable:
>> .db 01,03,05,07,09 ; I'm including 0's so the table is aligned
>> .db 02,04,06,08,10
>> .db 11,13,15,17,19
> .db 24,32,43,21,31
>> For example, if I wanted to load the value at 4,3 into de, would I do
>> something like:
>> ld de,datatable*4+3
>Personally i'd go for
>ld de, datatable + (4*5) +3 ; start table + ((4)* row length [to select
>column]) + 3
>this assumes 0,0 is the origin, not 1,1
>> so de is now 13, which was at 4,3 in the data table
>> Thanks,
>> Colin Hart
>> Xempest@aol.com
That simply loads the memory address of datatable+(4*5)+3 into de, and that
isn't even the byte of the table that he wants to find. Try this:
ld a,(datatable+(3*5)+2) ;a=byte (4-1),(3-1) or 3, 2
- - Joe
Joe Pemberton
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