[A83] Re: Equation solver
[A83] Re: Equation solver
At 02:45 AM 1/21/02 -0800, you wrote:
>It can solve any equation with one unknowns, but for 2 and more degree
>polynomial equations, you need to use guesses. (Or use PolySmlt) The
>easiest way to use is to write the right part of the equation, then
>putting a minus and a paranthesis -( and write the left part of the
>equation. Then press enter go down. Now write a guess for the unknown and
>press Alpha+Enter. There's solve in Alpha state of Enter button.
> The bound limits the numbers that's tried in the solver.
>Also, you can use the solve( command in basic programs. You can find the
>command in the Catalog. It works in the same way. Check the 83 Plus
>guidebook for more info. (Page 2-8)
This was on my 1.10 83-. It didn't work so well, and I like the one on my
89 better, but it was functional in a pinch (irritating that it made it
equal to zero instead of the right side of the equation, so you have to set
to zero like you have ther) 89 is nice because you can list out any number
of equations, then an equal number of variables, and it will solve, then
give the answer in fractional form. Does Symbolic so fractionals?