[A83] Re: Grey scale demo
[A83] Re: Grey scale demo
Yeah, I forgot to mention that.
83: send(9prgmGREYDEMO
83+: asm(prgmGREYDEMO
> what does this program run under?
> It does not show up on my calculator as an ion or venus program.
> At 04:03 PM 1/15/02 +0100, you wrote:
> >I've put a grey scale demo program online. It displays a left-right
> >scrolling tilemap. Check it out and hit me with your comments. Note that
> >83+ version probably doesn't work on an SE as that one seems to need some
> >very big delays between two lcd communications.
> >
> >http://tijl.studentenweb.org/archive/ti83/greydemo.83p
> >
> >http://tijl.studentenweb.org/archive/ti83plus/greydemo.8xp
> >
> >Don't shoot me if your calc locks up or something (aka make backup).
> >two programs are for testing purposes.