[A83] Re: Dummy Reads when doing IO to Display Driver
[A83] Re: Dummy Reads when doing IO to Display Driver
At 15:27 2002-01-15, you wrote:
>When is a dummy read necessary? Do you always need it after setting X
>and Y position? Does a dummy read move the X and Y if auto increment
>mode is enabled? Is there a way to disable auto increment mode? Is it
>needed before both reading and writing to the driver? Thanks in advance.
Get t6a04.pdf from here: ftp://alh.dhs.org/calculator/ti83/tech It is the
complete official specifications of the lcd driver from Toshiba.
Everything you might need is in there.
For details of why dummy read is needed, se page 18.
You only need the dummy read if you are going to read data, so not always
after setting x and y, only if you are going to read the data at that pos.
Yes, it is moved, as far as I understand, but you get the data at the
position you set on the next read anyways. more details in the doc.
No, you cant disable increment completly.
Get the doc for any more questions you might have in the future, and to
double check my answers :)