[A83] Re: Linux and Ti development
[A83] Re: Linux and Ti development
The emulator is tilem
Henk Poley wrote:
> > Van: J Smith <joelsmith17@hotmail.com>
> >
> > Ok, to bring this back on topic, I've been trying to find TI-83+
> development
> > tools (i.e compiler, linker, emulator) but everything that I've
> downloaded
> > has failed to work (except TiLP, that works great).
> >
> > I'm sick of booting into Windows to develop assembly for the 83+.
> There are actually two Z80 cross-compilers useable under Linux:
> http://z88dk.sf.net/
> http://sdcc.sf.net/
> There are plenty of Z80 assemblers, for example TASM and off coarse the
> assemblers of the compilers mentioned above.
> Somebody made a Ti83(+) emulator for Linux, something like "GtkEmu", you
> might find it at sourceforge too.
> Henk Poley <><