[A83] Re: My scrolling routine... it should work (but it's bugging)


[A83] Re: My scrolling routine... it should work (but it's bugging)

> Well is there any way that I could stop this problem? O 
and when I clear the 
> carry flag by or a, some funky shutter effects occur. How 
would I have no 
> wrapping?

I have to see the code to be able to answer. But as I said, 
you can do the deletion with a second, supplementary loop 
like this:

 ld hl,plotsscreen+11
 ld de,12
 ld b,64
 ld a,254
 and (hl)
 ld (hl),a
 add hl,de
 djnz supp

It's a stupid solution anyway, because it must be able to 
implement in the original scroll routine.


Follow-Ups: References: