[A83] My scrolling routine... it should work (but it's bugging)


[A83] My scrolling routine... it should work (but it's bugging)

I wrote a scrolling routine, and it is very similar to many other routines 
that I have seen. The problem is, the screen wraps for 6 or 7 pixels on the 
right, even when I clear the carry flag. After time, it starts to shift the 
screen down. What's wrong with this?

  ld   hl,PlotSScreen+$768
  ld   c,64
  ld   b,4
  dec  hl
  rl   (hl)
  dec  hl
  rl   (hl)
  dec  hl
  rl   (hl)
  djnz Scroll_Left2
  dec  c
  ld   a,c
  jr   nz,Scroll_Left_res
  jp   ionFastCopy
