[A83] Re: TI-83 Symbols


[A83] Re: TI-83 Symbols

> From: "Rob van Wijk" <robvanwijk@gmx.net>
> A "valid" program name has to start with "A", "B", ... ,"Z" or
> theta. That are ASCII values 65 ($41) through 91 ($5B).
> When you add $80 to a "valid" first char you get values in
> the range 193 ($C1) through 219 ($DB). Those values are
> all "invalid" (stuff like greek letters, super scripted letters,
> and the like).
> If you would add $80 to some ASCII value and the result
> is $28, then before it was $28 + $80 = $A8. ASCII 168 is
> (at least in the 83's character set) a lower case "o" with
> a hat (btw, in standard ASCII that's 244, "ô"). If you hide
> a program the first char could never become "(", because
> then it would have been hidden to begin with.

If I recall correctly then every program starting with a char equal to
or greater than 'A' (?)will be listed. The only thing with chars
greater than 'theta' (?) is that they are not selectable in the PRGM
menu. If and only if your program menu is longer than 7 items, then
those programs won't be displayed. In all other menus these programs
are visible, so you can delete them for instance.
