[A83] Re: The Working Of Floating Point Numbers


[A83] Re: The Working Of Floating Point Numbers

;I made this to response of Alexander Hansson's request of how to use 
floating point numbers
; Say you want a hp-bar in a game like Asghan: SOTP
; When your health is 100% the bar is 52 pixels in lenght
; Say you get hit and you only have 23% health left
; You first need to get 1% of 52
; so 52/100=0.52, so 1% health is 0,52 pixels in lenght
; you need 23% so: 23*0,52=11,96 pixels.
; after that you round it. So it becomes 12 pixels
; You can define how much % health you have left by just storing hl into 

#define equ .equ
#define EQU .equ
#define end .end
#include "ti83asm.inc"
#include "tokens.inc"
	.org 9327h
	ld hl,percenthundred             ;copy the floating point number 100 to op1
	ld de,op1              		;
	ld bc,9                		;
	ldir    				;
	call _op1toop2			;copy the fp-number in op1 to op2
	ld hl,maxbar              		;copy the floating number 52 to op1(I take
	ld de,op1              		;
	ld bc,9                		;
	ldir   					;
	call _fpdiv 				;op1 / op2
	call _op1toop2			;copy the remainder to op2 (you can't stack with floating 
point numbers)
	ld hl,percent              		;copy the percentage of health you have left 
to op1
	ld de,op1              		;
	ld bc,9                		;
	ldir    				;
	call _fpmult				;do op1*op2
	ld d,0 				;round at 0 digits
	call _ROUND 			;round i1
	call _convop1			;op1->de
	ex   de,hl				;de->hl
	call _disphl				;display HL (so you no have the value in HL, you can do 
anything you like, I just display it :))
	call _newline			;miscallen1ous


     .db $00,$81,$23,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00  ; 23

    .db $00,$81,$52,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00  ; 52

percenthundred :
    .db $00,$82,$10,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00  ; 100

;Copyright MaxCoderz Inc. This piece of code may be freely distrinuted under 
the GNU license. For more information see www.maxcoderz.com.

;Maarten Zwartbol - Maxcoderz Soft. - http://www.maxcoderz.com

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