[A83] Tilemap Routine


[A83] Tilemap Routine

A couple months ago I was give a nice little 8*8 tilemap routine. And since 
I can't figure out how it works I was wondering if someone could explain to 
me by explaining the lines of source code. I want to know how it draws the 
tiles to the screen and how each line of code is contributing to drawing the 
map. i know thats alot to ask but it would be very helpful. Heres the 
keypress is put in a
	ld	b,0
	ld	c,a
	add	hl,bc
	push	hl
	pop	ix
	ld	hl,8E29h
        ld	bc,8*256+12
	push	bc
	ld	b,c
	push	bc
	push	hl
	ld	h,0
	ld	l,(ix)
	inc	ix
	add	hl,hl
	add	hl,hl
	add	hl,hl
	add	hl,de
	ex	de,hl
	ex	(sp),hl
	ld	b,8
        ld	a,(de)
        ld	(hl),a
        inc	de
        ld	a,b
        ld	b,0
        add	hl,bc
        ld	b,a
        djnz	drawTileLoop
        ld	de,-(8*12)+1
        add	hl,de
        pop	de
        pop	bc
        djnz	drawLineLoop
        ld	c,7*12
        add	hl,bc
        ld	c,12-12
        add	ix,bc
        pop	bc
        djnz	drawTileMapLoop

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