[A83] Hays


[A83] Hays


I just read about the whole Hays page (all the news and much of guestbook)
and I didnt got so many LOL since 11 septembre!(oh no sorry that's not

I mean, everyone is getting SO frustrated about that MIKE but he is just a
LOL-having jackass I think. Don't you see that he is laughing out loud while
we are cursing him?  I think this guy has humor, Did you see the screen shot
of Name That Nine Deluxe Alpha? HAHAH and he is telling so much bullshit
about copyrights trade marks and shit you all get frustrated but I just
laugh! It's funny!

"Judge Larry Joe from the hit TV series "Texas Justice" will be presiding
over the landmark Hays v. Ti-World case, which will start tomorow."


"Most importantly, the shell scored very high in the Ti-Mark Z80 benchmark
software. Ti-Mark is an in-house benchmark program for the Ti83 developed by
HC Labs, one of our three software developing teams. A normal Ti83 scores
about 3500 Ti-Marks with new batteries in Ti-OS mode with a clear memory.
ASM X was scoring about 3150, which is only about a 10% loss. Ion scores
about 3085, and Aurora scores about 2460."

haha this is so funny so much BS just look at it like hays is comparing the
new nVidia graphic cards or something. TI-Mark. Come on guys. LAUGH! make
LOL! have FUN! just like MMM does!!!

And the best thing is, he is doing this alrady for 4 years. 4 YEARS! Who
could ever do that again! 4 years of telling bullshit, but the most
important: having FUN! Come on guys, just LAUGH about Hays. I like hays so
much maybe i even want to work there as ASM programmer LOL.


