[A83] Re: (hl) and hl
[A83] Re: (hl) and hl
>(hl) means to use the memory adress hl, while hl means to just take
>is stored in hl and use it as a number. So,
>ld hl,a_Defined_Memory_Location_In_The_Header
>ld (hl),1234
>will store 1234 to whatever location
>is in the calc's mem. If you don't get it, I understand, and I have not
>programed for ages now, so someone correct me if I am wrong. I am also not
>quite concious now, so don't trust me completly.
Correct for the most part - but 1234 is a two byte number and (hl)
references one byte. Other than that, you're memory serves you =)
- - Joe
Joe Pemberton
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