[A83] Problem with code


[A83] Problem with code

 Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this app code?

Instead of displaying the text to the screen with vputs, it just displays garbage.

Martin Smith




;Include file needed to access system routines
 include "ti83plus.inc"

EXT_APP equ 1   ;This definition is required of all apps
cseg            ;This linker directive is required of all apps.
;This is the application header definition area required for all apps.
 db 080h,0Fh    ;Field: Program length
 db   00h,00h,00h,00h ;Length=0 (N/A for unsigned apps)
 db 080h,012h    ;Field: Program type
 db   01h,04h  ;Type= Shareware, TI-83Plus
 db 080h,021h    ;Field: App ID
 db   01h       ;Id = 1
 db 080h,031h    ;Field: App Build
 db   01h       ;Build = 1
 db 080h,048h    ;Field: App Name
 db 049h,06fh,06eh,073h,020h,038h,033h,02bh ;Name = "Ions 83+" must be 8 characters
 db 080h,081h    ;Field: App Pages
 db 01h         ;App Pages = 1
 db 080h,090h    ;No default splash screen
 db 03h,026h ,09h,04h, 04h,06fh,01bh,80h     ;Field: Date stamp- 5/12/1999
 db 02h,0dh,040h                             ;Dummy encrypted TI date stamp signature
 db 0a1h ,06bh ,099h ,0f6h ,059h ,0bch ,067h 
 db 0f5h ,085h ,09ch ,09h ,06ch ,0fh ,0b4h ,03h ,09bh ,0c9h 
 db 03h ,032h ,02ch ,0e0h ,03h ,020h ,0e3h ,02ch ,0f4h ,02dh 
 db 073h ,0b4h ,027h ,0c4h ,0a0h ,072h ,054h ,0b9h ,0eah ,07ch 
 db 03bh ,0aah ,016h ,0f6h ,077h ,083h ,07ah ,0eeh ,01ah ,0d4h 
 db 042h ,04ch ,06bh ,08bh ,013h ,01fh ,0bbh ,093h ,08bh ,0fch 
 db 019h ,01ch ,03ch ,0ech ,04dh ,0e5h ,075h 
 db 80h,7Fh      ;Field: Program Image length
 db   0,0,0,0    ;Length=0, N/A
 db   0,0,0,0    ;Reserved
 db   0,0,0,0    ;Reserved
 db   0,0,0,0    ;Reserved
 db   0,0,0,0    ;Reserved
;End of header data
StartApp:                   ;The app starts here
 RES trigDeg,(IY+trigFlags)  ;use small font
 B_CALL ClrLCDFull         ;Clear the screen
 B_CALL RunIndicOff   ;turn off the run indicator
 ld a, 0       ;set start point of list
 ld (point), a     ;save it
MainLoop:       ;main loop of program
 call DrawScreen    ;draw everything on the screen
NoRedraw:       ;loop for nothing redrawn
 B_CALL GetCSC     ;wait for keypress
 cp skUp       ;check if up arrow
 jp z, Mup      ;if yes move list
 cp skDown      ;check if down arrow
 jp z, Mdown      ;if yes move list
 cp skClear      ;check if clear
 jp z, Endo      ;if yes exit
 cp skMode      ;check if mode
 jp z, Endo      ;if yes exit
 cp skMath      ;check if a
 jp z, SearchA     ;and goto
 cp skApps      ;check if b
 jp z, SearchB     ;and goto
 cp skPrgm      ;check if c
 jp z, SearchC     ;and goto
 cp skRecip      ;check if d
 jp z, SearchD     ;and goto
 cp skSin       ;check if e
 jp z, SearchF     ;and goto
 cp skCos       ;check if f
 jp z, SearchF     ;and goto
 cp skTan       ;check if g
 jp z, SearchG     ;and goto
 cp skPower      ;check if h
 jp z, SearchH     ;and goto
 cp skSquare      ;check if i
 jp z, SearchI     ;and goto
 cp skComma      ;check if j
 jp z, SearchL     ;and goto
 cp skLParen      ;check if k
 jp z, SearchL     ;and goto
 cp skRParen      ;check if l
 jp z, SearchL     ;and goto
 cp skDiv       ;check if m
 jp z, SearchM     ;and goto
 cp skLog       ;check if n
 jp z, SearchN     ;and goto
 cp sk7       ;check if o
 jp z, SearchO     ;and goto
 cp sk8       ;check if p
 jp z, SearchP     ;and goto
 cp sk9       ;check if q
 jp z, SearchS     ;and goto
 cp skMul       ;check if r
 jp z, SearchS     ;and goto
 cp skLn       ;check if s
 jp z, SearchS     ;and goto
 cp sk4       ;check if t
 jp z, SearchT     ;and goto
 cp sk5       ;check if u
 jp z, SearchZ     ;and goto
 cp sk6       ;check if v
 jp z, SearchZ     ;and goto
 cp skSub       ;check if w
 jp z, SearchZ     ;and goto
 cp skStore      ;check if x
 jp z, SearchZ     ;and goto
 cp sk1       ;check if y
 jp z, SearchZ     ;and goto
 cp sk2       ;check if z
 jp z, SearchZ     ;and goto
 jp NoRedraw      ;if not letter, try again.

 B_CALL ClrLCDFull         ;Clear the screen
 B_JUMP JForceCmdNoChar    ;Exit the application
 ld a, (point)     ;get current point
 cp 0        ;check if at top
 jp z, NoRedraw     ;if yes don't scroll
 dec a        ;scroll up
 ld (point), a     ;save
 jp MainLoop      ;redraw
 ld a, (point)     ;get current point
 cp 103       ;check if at bottom
 jp z, NoRedraw     ;if yes don't scroll
 inc a        ;scroll down
 ld (point), a     ;save
 jp MainLoop      ;redraw
SearchA:        ;Letter A jump
 ld a, 0       ;get point
 ld (point), a     ;save
 jp MainLoop      ;redraw

SearchB:        ;same again.
 ld a, 8
 ld (point), a
 jp MainLoop

 ld a, 18
 ld (point), a
 jp MainLoop
 ld a, 36
 ld (point), a
 jp MainLoop
 ld a, 38
 ld (point), a
 jp MainLoop
 ld a, 40
 ld (point), a
 jp MainLoop
 ld a, 41
 ld (point), a
 jp MainLoop
 ld a, 50
 ld (point), a
 jp MainLoop
 ld a, 53
 ld (point), a
 jp MainLoop
 ld a, 55
 ld (point), a
 jp MainLoop
 ld a, 63
 ld (point), a
 jp MainLoop
 ld a, 67
 ld (point), a
 jp MainLoop
 ld a, 70
 ld (point), a
 jp MainLoop
 ld a, 82
 ld (point), a
 jp MainLoop
 ld a, 92
 ld (point), a
 jp MainLoop
 ld a, 99
 ld (point), a
 jp MainLoop
 B_CALL grbufclr  ; clear the buffer
 ld hl, BackGround  ; get address of splash screeen
 ld de, plotSScreen   ; get address of TI graphic buffer
 ld bc, 756           ; set number of bytes to copy (96*(64-1)/8
 ldir      ; copy the bytes
 B_CALL grbufcpy  ; bind the graphic image
PutIons:      ;draw ions
 ld a, (point)    ;a = no of lines down 
 ld h, a     ;h = no of lines down 
 ld l, 17     ;l = 17 (length of string for multiply)
 B_CALL HTimesL   ;hl = no of lines down * 17
 ld e, l
 ld d, h     ;de = no of lines down * 17
 ld hl, Ions    ;hl = start point of list
 add hl, de    ;hl = point of 1st string on screen
 ld b, 7     ;7 strings to display (for counter)
 ld d, 0     ;for pen column
 ld e, 0     ;for pen row
PutILoop:     ;loop for seven strings
   ld a, e
 ld (penCol), a  ;ld e(0) into pencol and d into penrow
 ld a, d
 ld (penRow), a  ;ld e(0) into pencol and d into penrow
 B_CALL VPutS   ;put string to screen
 ld a, d
 add a, 8     ;next penrow
 ld d, a
 push bc
 ld bc, 17
 pop bc
 add hl, bc    ;start of next string
 djnz PutILoop   ;loop 7 times

PutForm:      ;draw formulas
 ld a, (point)   ;a = no of lines down 
 ld h, a     ;h = no of lines down 
 ld l, 11     ;l = 11 (length of string for multiply)
 B_CALL HTimesL   ;hl = no of lines down * 11
 ld e, l
 ld d, h     ;de = no of lines down * 11
 ld hl, Formulas  ;hl = start point of list
 add hl, de    ;hl = point of 1st string on screen
 ld b, 7     ;7 strings to display (for counter)
 ld d, 58     ;for pen column
 ld e, 0     ;for pen row
PutFLoop:     ;loop for seven strings
 ld (penCol), de  ;ld e(0) into pencol and d into penrow
 B_CALL VPutS   ;put string to screen
 ld a, e
 add a, 8     ;next penrow
 ld e, a
 push bc
 ld bc, 17
 pop bc
 add hl, bc    ;start of next string
 djnz PutFLoop   ;loop 7 times
 ret      ;return to main loop

point:      ;where in the list it is at
 db  0
Ions:         ;list of ions
 db "                ",0
 db "                ",0
 db "                ",0
 db "Acetate         ",0
 db "Aluminum        ",0
 db "Amide           ",0
 db "Ammonium        ",0
 db "Antimony (3,5)  ",0
 db "Arsenate,ortho- ",0
 db "Arsenic (III,V) ",0
 db "Arsenite        ",0
 db "Barium          ",0
 db "Benzoate        ",0
 db "Beryllium       ",0
 db "Bicarbonate     ",0
 db "Bismuth         ",0
 db "Bisulfate       ",0
 db "Borate          ",0
 db "Boron           ",0
 db "Bromate         ",0
 db "Bromide         ",0
 db "Cadmium         ",0
 db "Calcium         ",0
 db "Carbonate       ",0
 db "Cerium (III,IV) ",0
 db "Cesium          ",0
 db "Chlorate        ",0
 db "Chlorate, Per-  ",0
 db "Chloride        ",0
 db "Chlorite        ",0
 db "Chlorite, Hypo- ",0
 db "Chromate        ",0
 db "Chromate, Di-   ",0
 db "Chromium(2,3)   ",0
 db "Citrate         ",0
 db "Cobalt (II,III) ",0
 db "Copper (II)     ",0
 db "Cyanate         ",0
 db "Cyanide         ",0
 db "Diammine slvr(l)",0
 db "Di-H phosphate  ",0
 db "Fluoride        ",0
 db "Formate         ",0
 db "Gold (I,III)    ",0
 db "6x cyanoferrate ",0
 db "6x-cy-frate(3)  ",0
 db "Hydride         ",0
 db "Hydrogen        ",0
 db "H - carbonate   ",0
 db "H - phosphate   ",0
 db "H - sulfate     ",0
 db "H - sulfite     ",0
 db "Hydroxide       ",0
 db "Iodate          ",0
 db "Iodide          ",0
 db "Iron (II,III)   ",0
 db "Lead (II,IV)    ",0
 db "Lithium         ",0
 db "Magnesium       ",0
 db "Manganate       ",0
 db "Manganate, Per- ",0
 db "Mnganese(1,4,7) ",0
 db "Mercury (I)     ",0
 db "Mercury (II)    ",0
 db "Molybdate       ",0
 db "Molybdenum(2 6) ",0
 db "Nickel          ",0
 db "Nitrate         ",0
 db "Nitride         ",0
 db "Nitrite         ",0
 db "Oxalate         ",0
 db "Oxide           ",0
 db "Oxide, Per-     ",0
 db "Perchlorate     ",0
 db "Phosphate       ",0
 db "Phsphate, Hypo- ",0
 db "Phsphate, Meta- ",0
 db "Phsphate, Ortho-",0
 db "Phsphate, Pyro- ",0
 db "Phosphide       ",0
 db "Phsphite, Hypo- ",0
 db "Phsphite, Ortho-",0
 db "Platinum(2,4)   ",0
 db "Potassium       ",0
 db "Propionate      ",0
 db "Selenide        ",0
 db "Selenite        ",0
 db "Silicate, Meta- ",0
 db "Silicate, Ortho-",0
 db "Silver          ",0
 db "Sodium          ",0
 db "Strontium       ",0
 db "Sulfate         ",0
 db "Sulfide         ",0
 db "Sulfite         ",0
 db "Tartarate       ",0
 db "Telluride       ",0
 db "Thallium (I,III)",0
 db "Thiocyanate     ",0
 db "Thiosulfate     ",0
 db "Tin (II,IV)     ",0
 db "Titanium(1,3,4) ",0
 db "Zinc            ",0
 db "Zirconium(134)  ",0
 db "                ",0
 db "                ",0
 db "                ",0
Formulas:       ;list of formulas
 db "          ",0
 db "          ",0
 db "          ",0
 db "C2H3O2 -1 ",0
 db "Al +3     ",0
 db "NH2 -1    ",0
 db "NH4 +1    ",0
 db "Sb +1     ",0
 db "AsO4 -3   ",0
 db "As +1     ",0
 db "AsO3 -3   ",0
 db "Ba +2     ",0
 db "C7H5O2 -1 ",0
 db "Be +2     ",0
 db "HCO3 -1   ",0
 db "Bi +3     ",0
 db "HSO4 -1   ",0
 db "BO3 -3    ",0
 db "B +3      ",0
 db "BrO3 -1   ",0
 db "Br -1     ",0
 db "Cd +2     ",0
 db "Ca +2     ",0
 db "CO3 -2    ",0
 db "Ce +1     ",0
 db "Cs +1     ",0
 db "ClO3 -1   ",0
 db "ClO4 -1   ",0
 db "Cl -1     ",0
 db "ClO2 -1   ",0
 db "ClO -1    ",0
 db "CrO4 -2   ",0
 db "Cr2O7 -2  ",0
 db "Cr +1     ",0
 db "C6H5O7 -1 ",0
 db "Co +1     ",0
 db "Cu +1     ",0
 db "OCN -1    ",0
 db "CN -1     ",0
 db "Ag(NH3)2+1",0
 db "H2PO4 -1  ",0
 db "F -1      ",0
 db "CHO2 -1   ",0
 db "Au +1     ",0
 db "Fe(CN)6 -4",0
 db "Fe(CN)6 -3",0
 db "H -1      ",0
 db "H +1      ",0
 db "HCO3 -1   ",0
 db "HPO4 -2   ",0
 db "HSO4 -1   ",0
 db "HSO3 -1   ",0
 db "OH -1     ",0
 db "IO3 -1    ",0
 db "I -1      ",0
 db "Fe +1     ",0
 db "Pb +1     ",0
 db "Li +1     ",0
 db "Mg +2     ",0
 db "MnO3 -2   ",0
 db "MnO4 -1   ",0
 db "Mn +2     ",0
 db "Hg +2     ",0
 db "Hg +2     ",0
 db "MoO4 -2   ",0
 db "Mo +1     ",0
 db "Ni +2     ",0
 db "NO3 -1    ",0
 db "N3 -3     ",0
 db "NO2 -1    ",0
 db "C2O4 -2   ",0
 db "O -2      ",0
 db "O2 -2     ",0
 db "ClO4 -1   ",0
 db "PO4 -3    ",0
 db "P2O6 -4   ",0
 db "PO3 -1    ",0
 db "PO4 -3    ",0
 db "P2O7 -4   ",0
 db "P -3      ",0
 db "H2PO2 -1  ",0
 db "PO3 -3    ",0
 db "Pt +1     ",0
 db "K +1      ",0
 db "C3H5O2 -1 ",0
 db "Se -2     ",0
 db "SeO3 -2   ",0
 db "SiO3 -2   ",0
 db "SiO4 -2   ",0
 db "Ag +1     ",0
 db "Na +1     ",0
 db "Sr +2     ",0
 db "SO4 -2    ",0
 db "S -2      ",0
 db "SO3 -2    ",0
 db "C4H4O6 -2 ",0
 db "Te -2     ",0
 db "Tl +1     ",0
 db "SCN -1    ",0
 db "S2O3 -2   ",0
 db "Sn +1     ",0
 db "Ti +1     ",0
 db "Zn +2     ",0
 db "Zr +1     ",0
 db "          ",0
 db "          ",0
 db "          ",0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,128,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,128,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,128,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,128,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,128,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,128,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,128,0,0,0,0
 db 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 db 127,255,255,255,255,199,255,255,255,255,255,254
 db 222,221,255,255,94,238,252,123,255,253,250,247
 db 142,201,181,179,114,109,127,122,165,159,59,147
 db 222,213,85,87,86,236,70,234,170,173,90,183
 db 220,93,85,59,90,237,125,234,170,157,90,215
 db 222,221,187,147,83,109,124,98,46,189,90,155
 db 127,255,255,255,255,199,255,255,255,255,255,254

Martin Smithsmity42@yahoo.com

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