[A83] Re: call vs. bcall()
[A83] Re: call vs. bcall()
>First of all...
>Bjump is 2 bytes larger than bcall.
>bjump = call $0050 \ .dw xxxx
>also, bjump resets the stack pointer, and does other stuff like that. It
>puts the calc into a state where it can safely return from an app.
That sounds nice... But is my logic of "the last instruction of the actual
call is always 'ret', so if I jump (even bjump) to it is exactly the same,
it doesn't matter where the actual 'ret' is executed" ? I know that it's
alright with a regular Ti-83, but what about the layout of the 83+'s system
that prevents this kinda usage?
Or doesn't anybody care or just don't know what it really does... ?
SUCKER [Pieter Van Nuffel]
P.S. Yeah I can get pretty annoying when I am thinking about such stuff!
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