[A83] Re: 12x12 tile/sprite routines
[A83] Re: 12x12 tile/sprite routines
> 12x12 is not a very commenly used tile heightXwidth.
Currently I use 12x12
> tiles that I have placed in a tile size of 16x16 so I
don't use 14 bytes. I
> have calculated that I could actually save around 500
when I would make
> them12x12 sprites and use a 12x12 tileroutine. But these
routines are quite
> rare (haven't spotted a good one on ticalc.org?), I hope
that somebody had
> one lying around?
Why don't you try to write your own if you don't find it
anywhere? I suppose you already know Z80 asm well enough to
do so (if you know LD, ADD and the shift instructions,
that's far enough), and tilemapping is not something that
needs a special idea...