[A83] Re: HL / 12 (fast)
[A83] Re: HL / 12 (fast)
Using 16.16 fixed point math you could do hl*1556h.
e.g. 5000h*1556h=06AAE000h and 5000h/12d=06AAh
1556h is in fact an approximation of 10000h/12. However it isn't precise
enough to calculate the remainder. You'll have to use 16.24 for that.
; de = hl / 12
; f,b,c,d,e,h,l destroyed
; 474-480 tstates w/o ret
ld b,h
ld c,l
ld de,0
add hl,hl
rl e
rl d
add hl,hl
rl e
rl d
add hl,bc
jr nc,$+1
inc de
add hl,hl
rl e
rl d
add hl,hl
rl e
rl d
add hl,bc
jr nc,$+1
inc de
add hl,hl
rl e
rl d
add hl,hl
rl e
rl d
add hl,bc
jr nc,$+1
inc de
add hl,hl
rl e
rl d
add hl,hl
rl e
rl d
add hl,bc
jr nc,$+1
inc de
add hl,hl
rl e
rl d
add hl,hl
rl e
rl d
add hl,bc
jr nc,$+1
inc de
add hl,hl
rl e
rl d
add hl,bc
jr nc,$+1
inc de
add hl,hl
rl e
rl d
> From: "Harper Maddox" <gte172i@prism.gatech.edu>
> This is such a simple algorithm, i've probably written it a hundred
> times. If you guys want a challenge, how about you write a divide hl by
> algorithm. I use that a lot for collision detection with my projects that
> use 12x12 pixel tiles.
> harper