[A83] Re: Symbolic...
[A83] Re: Symbolic...
At 09:51 PM 4/10/02 +0200, you wrote:
> > he gave it to an inspection guy too. And now it's
>This is quite interesting. I just had a talk with my former
>IB maths teacher, and he said that although calculators
>with CAS are not allowed on IB exams, if there is a program
>written to an originally non-CAS calc (if I recall
>correctly exactly the TI-83+ is the most advanced one
>allowed) that performs symbolic operations, it cannot be
>forbidden either. The only kind of programs that is
>forbidden is dummy programs which serve as little
>electronic formula booklets. Of course this is IB. But I
>don't see any sense in forbiding programs, mostly because
>programmers who are smart enough to make them are also
>smart enough to hide them well... Then why are programmable
>calculators allowed at all anyway? For example, we are not
>allowed to use anything for the linear algebra exams, not
>even a simple calc that performs only elementary
>operations. As regards calculus, we could, but no solution
>is accepted without explanation/proper derivation (and
>Symbolic wouldn't help with triple integrals either).
>Probably teachers should wake up and realise that the
>calculators have gone through serious changes and construct
>new exercises that fit the new technology better... This is
>just a great opportunity to confront them with their
>laziness. :)
I write programs to do things, at first to not have to spend time on them,
bu t then end up learing how to dothe thing better because the program was
a bear to write. Perhaps teachers should /require/ students to write a
program to perform functions.