[A83] Re: Aurora for 83+?


[A83] Re: Aurora for 83+?

> Van: Peter-Martijn Kuipers <hyper@hysoft-automation.com>
> Sounds interesting, but I don't quite get it. Can you explain it in more 
> detail?

Let me first explain what Aurora did for BASIC programs, I haven't found a
good explanation/docs of the Aurora assembly API:

When you loaded the coordinates in the corresponding REALs, and then did a
"prgmZAPI" (which was basicaly a ""ZAURAGFX:send(9prgmZASMLOAD", I guess)
it would plot some things, depending on what you had set in the real REAL
V, it would use REAL A,B,C and D to plot/erase certain things, like
(filled) squares.

This way of 'destroying valuable REALs' is a bit redundant I think/hope.
You could also addapt some pointers to let the TIOS jump over the data-part
needed by your assembly program.

The parsing of the input-data is a little bit of a problem, but maybe
somebody already has found the call to let the TIOS parse the string for
you till a comma or whatever, and put the result in OP1.

Yuo could also be a little confused about the "prgmBLAH" being assembly?
Well, I've worked to much with Venus lately. Oh, to speak about Venus, does
anybody know if the Ti83+ can execute BASIC programs in Flash from RAM?

 	Henk Poley <><

> > When someone takes a better look at how the TIOS execute BASIC (there
> > needs to be some sort of 'bookmark' for the parser to know where it
> > 
> > A more Ti89 style of programming can then be done:
> > 
> > [...]
> > prgmBLAH:(9,2,20,40)
> > [..rest of BASIC prog..]
> > 
> > Would let BLAH read the numbers, parse it, updates the 'bookmark' (if
> > don't then the error message you can generate will point right to the
> > faulty entry). And then do whatever it needs to do.
> > 
> > 	Henk Poley <><
