[A83] Re: microcode
[A83] Re: microcode
> >If I was to get a new computer, I would not want an updgradeable microcode
> >CPU, because it is possible (unlikely but possible) that some hacker would
> >give me an unsoliceted update. So far, I have got 3 viruses over cable in
> >less than a month (my first month), and they are all internet worms, not
> >trojans!
> Updating microcode is probably a complex process, that cannot be easily
> done by software running on said processor. The worst I've heard of is one
> that flashes your BIOS with garbage, then reboots. The only way I can
> think of that a processor could contro lthe operation to recode itself
> wouldbe if there were two processors, and most people aren't that rich . . .
Other way would be a small processor, let's say a z80 ;), that could either be
on the mainboard, or embedded in the processor. With a little bit of memory to
allow operation and storage of the new microcode.
The processor could then hand the new microcode to the z80, hand control over to the z80 and put itself to sleep. The z80 could then flash the microcode into
the processor through some hardwired wires or something, and send a wake-up
call to the processor which can then continue it's work.
Not saying it does work like this, only that this could be an way to do such
a thing.
> OT: Firewalls are a good thing if you have cable. I use one with dial-up
> so that apps don't keep wasting hours.
OT Reply ;-) :
A bit of caution and a non-fancy email reader (one that doesn't open files and
such for you, and displays the extension even if it is *.lnk or *.pif) can do some protection as well.