[A83] Re: microcode


[A83] Re: microcode

> Van: David Phillips <david@acz.org>
> That looks more like 6502 than z80, since 6502 has fewer registers and
> the register names as part of the opcode name, and not as operands.

For the M6800 'Fewer registers' means there's only a A and B reg (both can
be used as accumulator). BTW, the i8080A/i8085A assembler syntax has the
same habbit of putting the registername inside the instruction-name.
Although not always, that's why people find it confusing to program for
this processor.

> > What, "similar assembler syntax"?
> >
> > Just some examples:
> >
> > RORA
> > ASRA
> > TAB
> > TPA
> > TSX
> > STAB <8bit adr>
> > INS
> > ASLA
> > RTI
> > BLE