[A83] Re: Help! tasm error


[A83] Re: Help! tasm error

Original Message
From: "Joe Pemberton"<dArkSk8eR@buffbody.com>
Subject: [A83] Help!  tasm error
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 17:22:37 -0500
btw.. I get this error when I try and assemble ANY program that uses
equates for memory addresses, even simple little ones like

#include "ti83plus.inc"
var1              equ           $86ce
var2              equ           var1+1
.org 9d95
  ld a,(var2)

When I try and assemble this, I get the same error at the line with ld

>I'm making a game and I'm using TASM to assemble it.  I got pretty far with
>no errors.  I've been using free ram for variable storage i.e.
>temp		equ	$86ec
>explosionsprites	equ	temp+6
>powerupsprites	equ	explosionsprites+(5*16)
>ship_y		equ	powerupsprites+2*((2*4)*8)
>ship_x		equ	ship_y+1
>shields		equ	ship_X+1
>health		equ	shields+1
>shotready  equ	health+1
>weapon		equ	shotready+1
>flipflop	equ	weapon+1
>changetimer	equ	flipflop+1
>level		equ	changetimer+1
>enemyrate	equ	level+1
>pending_damage	equ	enemyrate+1
>lives		equ	pending_damage+1
>special		equ	lives+1
>It assembled fine until now.  I didn't change anything with the equates,
>but now I get a bunch of errors that say "Unused data in MS byte of
>argument. (21)" whenever I try to access the memory like ld a,(level) or
>something.  It's like the labels aren't there.. but it worked for a long
>time before this.  I tried downloading tasm again.. didn't work.  How do I
>fix this?
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