[A83] Re: microcode


[A83] Re: microcode

> Van: Ronald Teune <rtwolf@gmx.net>
> From: Henk Poley <HPoley@DDS.nl>
> >
> >> Van: Sebastiaan Roodenburg <sebastiaan@rimsystems.nl>
> >>
> >> > Is it possible to make something in microcode?
> >> > (these are the individual instructions which are
> >> > executed with a z80 instruction)
> >>
> >> Nope... microcode is coded into a little piece of ROM inside the Z80,
> >> since ROM can't be changed... (maybe it can be done with a hardware
> >> hack, but i doubt it)
> >
> >Yesterday I found a book my grandfather used when learning to program,
> Wow! Your grandfather! So there *are* actually 'old' people programming
> there

Well in the the '60s the 'microcomputer', was state of the art. They used
processors like the Z80, with clocks of 2-4MHz, Wow! If you then studied
'IT' you learned to program these things. Only one drawback, since my
grandfather then fell in love with my grandmother, he stopped with his
study, so he one had part 1 of "Microcomputer systeem architectuur"
(dutch). Part 2 (how to the processor connect with memory and hardware,
technical) and 3 (I/O, modems, DMA and interrupts, programming) and are

> >handles the i8080 (horrible syntax), Z80 and M6800 (that's not the
> >>from the Ti89/92[+]).
> It's its predecessor afaik

i4004 -?-> i8008 ?

i8080A -> i8085A speed up + added SIM & RIM (interruptmask) instructions
		Horrible assembly syntax

i8080A -> Z80 speed up + add zilions instructions + much better asm syntax

i8008 -> M6800 horrible asm syntax (haven't look furter at this CPU)

	Henk Poley <><
