[A83] Re: storing op1 to list
[A83] Re: storing op1 to list
>> > tends to be reeeealy s-l-o-o-o-o-w-w-w-w on my machine).
>> >
>> > You can find Opera in most PC-Magazines on the cover-CD.
>> > And getting a modem below the 56k range is normaly just asking around,
>> > people who have 'upgraded' to faster modems normaly won't throw away
>> > old ones. I guess you can get a 33k6 for < 10 EUR.
>> >
>> Why don't you just use a 'fast' modem on an old computer? a 56k modem
>> fine on a 486 / Pentium ...
>I knew somebody would ask...
>It's kinda 'stupid', we have got ISDN (64k up/down digital line) at home,
>but when we bought the computer we bought it with a 14k4 modem (analog). At
>the moment we installed the ISDN line(s), we were thinking about buy a new
>PC soon. So that's why we/I haven't bought a faster modem...
>(plus we need to wire another line [ISDN this time] to the 2nd floor, where
>the PC is)
You're crazy... ;-P
> Henk Poley <><