[A83] Re: Need for speed
[A83] Re: Need for speed
> Van: Xavier LaRue <paxl@ca.inter.net>
> The calc will probably crash because the SafeRam1 is 768 byte not 769
> Byte... So If there somthing importent for the os.. when you exit of your
> program that could be crash.
> Hope that help
> Xavier LaRue
> On Tuesday 11 September 2001 03:05 am, you wrote:
> > Thanks for all the help so far, but I have another (unrelated)
> > question:
> >
> > Let's call the byte @ (SafeRam1) byte 0
> > then saferam will go to byte 767
> >
> > but can I also modify byte 768, or will the calc crash?
SaveRam1 = saveSScreen = apdbuf = $8265
plotSScreen = $8E29
I know the answer (almost). When I tried, some months ago, to implement
greyscale in the Z88DK, there was accidentaly one byte cleared to much when
doing a g_cls().
On the Ti83, you got the strange problem that when started Ion you could do
everything. But when you exited the shell you couldn't return to it (unless
you ran prgmION again). On the Ti83+ it just crashed horribly (both Ion
and MirageOS), but that could also be something with the interrupt... The
Ti82 (CrASH) didn't react strange in any ways.
Your problem now is that we also used plotSScreen (also one too byte much
cleared), could be that the real problem was located there...
So, just try... (as always)
Henk Poley <><