[A83] Re: mirage fastcopyb
[A83] Re: mirage fastcopyb
Normally you draw something in plotscreen and then a fastcopy routine displays the contents of plotscreen on the lcd. The fastcopyb rom call displays the data where HL is pointing to. Could be useful when you have a program that looks all PICs on your calc up and lets you scroll through them. You would use the fastcopyb rom call then to display that PICture, instead of copying it to plotscreen first and then use a normal fastcopy routine.
> ----------------------------------------
> From: Jimmy Pardey <j_pardey@hotmail.com>
> Hello! I was looking through the mirage libs text file, and I saw the
> fastcopyb rom call. Does this copy the stuff to plotscreen before output, or
> does it draw direct to lcd? Is there something special about the plotscreen
> adress, like on the 86?
> Thank you,
> Jimmy Pardey
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