[A83] Re: Mouse
[A83] Re: Mouse
> Van: Gavin Olson <gtolson@snet.net>
> In the text file for Solytare (which, by the way, will leak all of your
> memory after bit), there is refernce to the IC2 mouse adapter as an
> alternate way to play the game. I never found out what this was, and
> suspect that it is an artifact of the 83 port from the 86, thus the IC2
> being an 86 mod.
That is a bit yes, and a bit no...
There have been made I2C (Philips) routines for the Ti82, 83, 85 and 86. I
think the 83 version could easily be ported to the Ti83+ (not the SE),
since the link port nad memory layout ar more or less the same.
I2C is some sort of network protocol for max. 255 (extended it can be
10.000) devices. These vary from time- to file-servers. Search a bit around
and you will find more info. Oh, and the Ti routines are called MBUS
Henk Poley <><