[A83] Ashell and line question.


[A83] Ashell and line question.

I know started on my first game: yay! But I have a few questions.
I post my code below. My program isn't recognized in Ashell, though I have 
the good code I suppose. And the line routine by Kovacs isn't working. Is 
there someone outthere who can enlighten me?

.NOLIST			;Necessary stuff,
#define end .end
#define END .end
#define equ .equ
#define EQU .equ
#include "ti83asm.inc"
#include "tokens.inc"
.org 9327h		; Begin

	nop			;Ashell code
	jr progstart
	.dw $0000
	.dw description

	call _clrLCDFull
	ld b,94
	ld c,1
	ld d,0
	ld c,56
	call H_Line ;Call Kovacs routine
	call _GRBUFCPY_V ; I suppose I have to copy the buffer to the screen, it 
isn't done
	ld hl,256*57+0   ; in the routine
	ld (pencol),hl
	ld hl,nameandversion
	call _vputs
	call _getkey
        push de
        push hl
        push bc
        ld a, d
        call Getpix
        pop bc
        push bc
        ld d, c
        ld c, a
        ld a, d
        or a
        call z, H_White_Line
        dec a
        call z, H_Black_Line
        dec a
        call z, H_XORed_Line
        pop bc
        pop hl
        pop de

        ld a, c
        ld c, a
        ld a, (hl)
        and c
        ld (hl), a
        RR c
        jr c, Cont_H_White_Line
        inc hl
        RR c
        DJNZ H_White_Line
        xor a

        ld a, (hl)
        or c
        ld (hl), a
        RR c
        jr nc, Cont_H_Black_Line
        inc hl
        RR c
        DJNZ H_Black_Line
        xor a

        ld a, (hl)
        xor c
        ld (hl), a
        RR c
        jr nc, Cont_H_XORed_Line
        inc hl
        RR c
        DJNZ H_XORed_Line

Getpix: ld d, 0
        ld h, d
        ld l, e
        add hl, de
        add hl, de
        add hl, hl
        add hl, hl
        ld de, Plotsscreen
        add hl, de
Getbit: ld b, 0
        ld c, a
        and %00000111
        srl c
        srl c
        srl c
        add hl, bc
        ld b, a
        inc b
        ld a, %00000001
        djnz GBLoop

	.db "Ultimate Bomber!",0
	.db "Ultimate Bomber v 0.11",0


"If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the 
shoulders of giants." - scientist Sir Isaac Newton, in a letter to his 
colleague Robert Hooke, February 1676.

>From: james l <james@kirk.math.twsu.edu>
>Reply-To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
>To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
>Subject: [A83] Re: TI83 CAS
>Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 08:19:31 -0500
>Root/Great Overall Dictator replies:
> > Here's just a few ideas I've come up with about it.
> >
> > TI83 Computer Algebra System
> > Requirements:
> > Expansion of equations, for example, binomial expansion
> > Solving of equations for a single variable (two isn't practical for a 
> > Factorising of equations (like Factor7, but without the need to enter 
> > separately)
> > Exact answers (eg, display 1.41421356 as the square root of two)
> > Deriving/Antideriving of equation (eg, antideriving 2x gives x^2+c), not
> > just a numerical answer between 2 points
> > Link all the CAS functions into a new menu, possibly accessable by using 
> > combination of buttons like MirageOS does to load up
> >
>I know some of this can be done in basic (i have done some of it), but only
>as a really specific case. (eg 1st and second derivative of polynomials)
> > Problems:
> > Only 27k of memory to work with, and practically can only use a 
> > of that
>That could be fixed (on 83+): Create it as an app (one or more 16K pages) 
>have it archive all programs when it starts, leaving all ~27K free.
> > Speed problems; string manipulation takes ages on a TI83
>Going to be a problem for any z80 even the 83+SE
> > Actually working out how to manipulate the equations
>Have fun :)
> > Using letters as constants in equations rather than numbers
> >
>The way tios works, it isn't (practically) possible.
> > If anyone has any ideas on any parts of this, please reply!
>Essentially, you are going to have to dump the whole TIOS's way of doing
>things. Basically writing a whole OS in RAM (83) or Flash (83+)
>I know several people have started on one, but haven't gotten very far. My
>guess is that trying to get a c compiler to work well (port gcc, get zcc
>working well), you could use one of the gpled CASes (after extensive
>James L
>  > Tim Crockford

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