[A83] Re: TIOS push recovery
[A83] Re: TIOS push recovery
>> ----------------------------------------
>> From: Ronald Teune <rtwolf@gmx.net>
>> >I don't have my calc handy but if that is true something like this
>> >work:
>> >
>> ><header>
>> > pop hl
>> > push de
>> > push bc
>> > push af
>> > push hl
>> > ret
>> >
>> >Stack is
>> >hl (ret address)
>> >af (junk)
>> >bc (junk)
>> >de (junk)
>> >
>> >If it does correct, this should work, otherwise crash.
>> Or this:
>> pop hl
>> ld b,$FF
>> label:
>> push hl
>> djnz label
>No, that would overflow the stack, which is only 400 bytes,
>and would cause the VAT to be overwritten. I guess that will
>always cause trouble. If make B smaller though it should work.
I changed it to 198d, but the OS worked quite fine.
However, I don't think it works, because in a vti rom-disassembly which I
did some time ago, the os restores the stack pointer right after quitting.
Ronald Teune
Using Opera since 08/10/2001
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kunnen tellen.
Je kunt de tijd niet doden
zonder de eeuwigheid te verwonden
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en een peer?
Een appel kun je eten en een peer wel.
(Bryan Fields, TI-Hardware mailinglist)
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