[A83] Re: keyboard mem
[A83] Re: keyboard mem
No, not at all. The PC keyboard is a clocked serial interface, similiar to
most other serial devices. You don't have to deal with this when
programming for a PC, because the PC has hardware to read the keyboard and
generate the scan codes. I'm sure someone has worked out a keyboard
interface for a calc, but I don't remember one offhand. You'd need a PIC or
something similiar to read the keyboard, because you couldn't just hook it
up to the calc. There was a presentation this year at DEF CON about a
simple microcontroller kit, and the example application was to interface
with a keyboard. There were some cool ideas, like capturing keys in
hardware. Unfortunately, they still don't have archives up for this year,
and I don't remember the name of the kit (should have taken better notes).
I'm sure with a little searching on Google you can find some hardware to do
it. Also, check out this FAQ:
> Does a PC keyboard have a piece of mem where the pressed
> keys are stored, so the software just checks that mem
> to see there was a keypress??