[A83] Re: Testing a MirageOS program [very old&a bit OT]
[A83] Re: Testing a MirageOS program [very old&a bit OT]
Can the flashsim be downloaded separately (without zds) somewhere?
>I remember the simulator would sometimes crash for me also or not want to
>start up, and when that infrequently occurred it could be fixed by
>reinstalling the software. I haven't had any trouble with the latest
>of the simulator though, the one that supports the 73 and 83+ SE now, so
>should try that version. Also, to load an 8xp file that was assembled, it
>needs to have the correct header created by DevPac8X or Bin2Var and not
>DevPac83, but Im sure everyone already uses a combination of those tools,
>right? all 83+ programs are made with those hopefully...
>-Jason K
>In a message dated 8/1/01 5:16:53 AM Central Daylight Time,
>hyper@hysoft-automation.com writes:
>> You need to stop the emulation iwth the stop button, and in one of the
>> on the right (in the menu-bar) there are options to send flash-apps and
>> ram-files onto the emu-calc
>> NOTE: On my system, the Debugger crashes when loading a ram-file into the
>> emu-calc.
>> --(Peter-Martijn)
>> >
>> >
>> > How do you load programs and not .83d files into the simulator?
>> >