[A83] Re: Conditional bcall()ing


[A83] Re: Conditional bcall()ing

At 02:51 2001-10-30, you wrote:
> >
> >oh, I thought the $ just lets TASM know that the value is a hex value =)
> >thanks for telling me that
> >

This can explain some confusion :)

>$ indicates a hex value when placed at the end of a number.
>When separate, it's not that at all.  $ becomes the current address.
>So LD a,($+5) stores (currentaddress+5) into a.

$ is placed in the beginning of hex numbers last I looked...
but if the $ is not followed by 0-9 or a-f/A-F, then tasm knows it 
obviously isn't a number, but should be recognized as "the current adress"
You can in tasm also use * as the current adress, but that is recommended 
against in the docs because it looks like the multiplier operator... (imho 
$ is just as bad...)
A similar dual meaning has also the % character. It can either mean "a 
binary number" or mean the modulo operator. Which one is right is also here 
read by context.

(This all can be read in tasm.doc)

