[A83] Re: Tasm Line Numbering
[A83] Re: Tasm Line Numbering
> Van: David Phillips <david@acz.org>
> There are hundreds (probably thousands) of editors available. Assembly
> Studio 8x has a nice editor, not to mention a great assembler and awesome
> help files. I highly recommend anyone doing z80 programming for calcs
> that.
The Assembly Studio 8x (v4.0) editor sucks:
- Files larger than a couple of kb's (okay, files larger than about 100kb)
get the editor to act wierd, it looks like the text at the end 'wraps
around' to the beginning. So text at the end isn't visible (since it's
'beneath' the other text), and when you select that text (with
ctrl-shift-end for example) you get wierd inverted 'blobs' all over your
- Copy and pasting from other programs doesn't work most of the times, it
allocate enough space to hold the text you try to paste, but doesn't insert
it. When you then move your text cursor a little you can see that it
actually didn't do a thing.
- When you type something and press the 'save'-button "too fast" (aprox
withing 4 sec.) the thing you typed doesn't get saved.
Henk Poley <><