[A83] Making TileMap Editor - VB
[A83] Making TileMap Editor - VB
Hey, I'm new to the mailing list, but you know my friend Darkfire139.
I am making a tilemap editor in VB.
(I know a lot more VB thatn Darkfire does)
I've been working for awhile and already have the following features:
Sprite (Tile) Editor (Currently only 8x8 sprites, but with work I could make
it edit other sizes also)
A list with icons of the sprites to choose from (add to it from sprite
editor) (soon I will make remove, rename and edit)
Add tile to map from list (map is only 8x12 but I am going to make it custom
You select a tile on the map and then click the "Add >" button to add the
selected tile to the map
Soon to come, I will make the map generator and all the other features.
If someone could give me some ideas for features, that would be helpful.
Please give me comments and suggestions,
I have a screenshot at this URL:
and another at this:
By the way- I dont know much z80, I just know a little. Darkfire taught me