[A83] Re: Another lame question.... getting backed up by calls....
[A83] Re: Another lame question.... getting backed up by calls....
I believe it's the equivalent of the AND statement you wrote. The ;input
hl, a and ;output (hl),a are just there as an example code. With this code,
you must set hl and a to something before you call it. If the AND
statement is true, then the routine loads a into (hl). You can change the
input and output to whatever you like, however. Just make sure that
register a equals the number you want to compare in the AND statement.
>Hey I'm a bit confused... is this statement an equivalent of my AND
>statement, or is it needed for what I asked? If so, then where do I put it
>my and label? Also, why does it input a,hl and output (hl),a?
>> This will work:
>> And: ;input's: a,hl
>> ;outputs: ld (hl),a
>> cp 10
>> ret c
>> cp 20
>> ret nc
>> ; all made it so:
>> jp dooit
>> dooit:
>> ld (hl),a
>> ret
>> Explaination:
>> when you call, the address to return to is pushed on the stack.
>> a jp does not affect the stack. So when you do a ret after the jp, it
>> the
>> correct value from the stack, and returns to it.
>> compare it with using "ret" in a quit routine you jp to, that works
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