[A83] Re: halt power usage
[A83] Re: halt power usage
By writing 01h to port 03h, the lcd is turned off (bit 3), various sorts of interrupts are turned off (bit 2, bit 1), but on-key interrupts are turned on. The halt then switches to low power mode, until an interrupt occurs. The only possible interrupt however, is an on-key interrupt, which happens when you press the on-key. When that on-key interrupt occurs the interrupt handler restores a few states, turning the calc back 'on'. Actually your calculator is always on, which is necessary to preserve the RAM. It just goes into low power mode.
> ----------------------------------------
> From: The one and only SUCKER ... <sucker_pvn@hotmail.com>
> Sent: Thu Oct 11 19:32:24 GMT+02:00 2001
> To: <assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>
> Subject: [A83] halt power usage
> Does this method of shutting the calc down still use power(Ti-83-)??
> ld a,1
> out (3),a
> halt
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