[A83] Re: Displaying Characters


[A83] Re: Displaying Characters

Here's some advice: Don't name your variables "A"!  It's too easy to confuse 

You wouldn't name labels HL, would you?

>From: "Shane" <ti83asm2001@yahoo.com>
>Reply-To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
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>Subject: [A83] Re: Displaying Characters
>Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 17:01:40 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
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>I am trying to display numbers on the graph screen that are stored in in a
>string 'A' and then decrement them. SOCCERK121 helped me with displaying
>them on the graph screen by:
>ld a,(a)
>ld h,0
>ld l,a
>ld a,5 ;<--- number of digits, 5 is a safe number
>But whenever I dec the A like this:
>  ld hl,A
>  dec (hl)
>A: .db 0h
>It messes up and from then on displays the number 255 whenever i reuse
>SOCCERK121's routine.
>I don't know wether its because A is a hex number or if I am doing 
>something wrong.

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