[A83] Re: Raycasting
[A83] Re: Raycasting
Defiance is definitely the way to go from my (obvisouly irrelevant) point of
view. I thought it had nice features, including support for large textures,
non-arbitrary (tp?) angles and you could see real far. Too bad noone ever
looked at Defiance again.
Frank Schoep
:: http://foreverfornow.cjb.net . dsfs98@concepts.nl ::
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Phillips" <david@acz.org>
To: <assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 5:42 AM
Subject: [A83] Re: Raycasting
> I don't think it ever got anywhere. From what I remember, it looked cool,
> but it was too slow. You can't write something like that and expect to
> speed it up at the end. It's a process.
> > Is Defiance 82 the one that runs through CrAsH? I have heard of it but
> > neverseen it. I have also seen the raycasting demo for the 83, but i was
> > unimpressed. It is a good achievemant, but not good enough for a game. I
> > suppose their is no harm in trying.