[A83] Re: Someone please help


[A83] Re: Someone please help

You didn't POP AF after pushing it!

>From: "Shane" <ti83asm2001@yahoo.com>
>Reply-To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
>To: "assembly list" <assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>
>Subject: [A83] Someone please help
>Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2001 11:12:05 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
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>Ok I have this problem of 'ret' not working correctly at the end of my
>program when it leaves the program it just gives me all these strange
>characters on the display and then when ever I goto lets say memory or the
>program menu and hit 2nd Quit it leaves the menu up and then just blinks a
>cursor in the corner so i have to take out the batteries or reset it for it
>to work, could someone please help, thanx,this is my quit comand:
>res (write_on_graph),(iy+sgrflags)
>  the source for the whole program is below:
>#include ion.inc
>_RunIndicOff =4570h
>#include keys.inc
>#ifdef TI83P
>org progstart-2
>db $BB,$6D
>org progstart
>jr nc,lblStart
>db "a",0
>set (write_on_graph),(iy+sgrflags)
>bcall(_runindicoff) ; turn off run indicator
>ld a,00h ;reset xtest and ytest to zero
>ld (xtest),a
>ld a,00h
>ld (ytest),a
>ld a,03h
>ld (lives),a ;set lives to 3
>ld a,1 ;set level to one
>bcall(_clrlcdfull) ;clear screen
>bcall(_GRBUFCPY) ;clear graphscreen
>ld b,a ;load level to b
>push af
>ld hl,5
>cp b
>jp z,lvla
>dec hl
>cp b
>jp z,lvlb
>dec hl
>cp b
>jp z,lvlc
>dec hl
>cp b
>jp z,lvld
>jp lvle
>(lots of drawing right here with (_iline) left it out because it is so huge
>it is calling on line down at the bottom)
>ld hl,1928h
>ld (pencol),hl
>ld hl,name
>ld a,50h ;set initial x to 50h
>ld (xtest),a
>ld a,20h
>ld (ytest),a ;set initial y to 20h x,y=50,20
>ld a,01h
>ld (direction),a ;set initial direction to 1 which is up direction 1-up
>2-right 3-down 4-left
>jp txt
>ld hl,3702h ;load position on screen x37 y2
>ld (pencol),hl
>ld hl,livestxt ;print "lives on screen"
>bcall(_vputs) ;put string on display
>bcall(_getkey) ;pause progarm until key entry
>jp move ;jump to move section
>ld a,(xtest)
>ld b,a
>ld a,(ytest)
>ld c,a
>ld a,(direction)
>ld e,a
>cp g_left
>jp z,left
>cp g_down
>jp z,down
>cp g_right
>jp z,right
>cp g_up
>jp z,up
>cp g_mode
>jp z,quit
>cp g_2nd
>jp z,pause
>dec e
>ld a,0
>cp e
>jp z,up
>dec e
>ld a,0
>cp e
>jp z,left
>dec e
>ld a,0
>cp e
>jp z,down
>jp right
>move: ;thanx Jimmy Pardey
>ld d,3 ; pixel test part
>ld a,(xtest)
>ld b,a
>ld a,(ytest)
>ld c,a
>jp nz,quit
>ld d,2 ;Pixel draw part
>ld a,(xtest)
>ld b,a
>ld a,(ytest)
>ld c,a
>ld a,b
>ld (xtest),a
>ld a,c
>ld (ytest),a
>jp getkey
>ld a,0
>cp a
>jp z,pause
>jp move
>ld bc,(xtest)
>inc bc
>ld (xtest),bc
>ld hl,00000100b
>ld (direction),hl
>jp move
>ld bc,(ytest)
>dec bc
>ld (ytest),bc
>ld bc,00000011b
>ld (direction),bc
>jp move
>ld bc,(xtest)
>dec bc
>ld (xtest),bc
>ld bc,00000010b
>ld (direction),bc
>jp move
>ld bc,(ytest)
>inc bc
>ld (ytest),bc
>ld bc,00000001b
>ld (direction),bc
>jp move
>ld h,1
>res (write_on_graph),(iy+sgrflags)
>xtest: .db 00h
>ytest: .db 00h
>direction: .db 00h
>lives: .db 00h
>name: .db "S.Z.",0
>livestxt: .db "LIVES: ",0

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