[A83] Re: Font hooks
[A83] Re: Font hooks
Here is some info that Dan Englender gave me some time
ago. I hope he dosent mind me reposting it. All the
info is a direct copy from an email he sent me so make
sure to give him all the credit. Hope that this can
help you.
(ignore the colons, this is a paste from a TI-92 Plus)
:Char hook info...
:This is in fact the custom font hook. It is
triggered during character puts of both large and
variable fonts.
:Input A=0 for variable font and A=1 for large font.
Input B will be the character number.
:Output B=character number, NZ=use TIOS character
map, Z= use custom map. if using custom map, it
should be loaded into sFont_record for variable font
and lFont_record for large font, and point HL to those
places. Actually, you don't really need to use those
addresses in particular, it's the HL part that's
important, but they're convenient places to put the
:B_CALL to enable is 4FE4 (78EA,1B)
:B_CALL to disable is 4FE7 (77CC,1B)
:Triggered during VPutS run (and others ?)
:Bit 5,(iy+35h)
:when triggered, char number is in reg B, and A=0.
Trigger calls this code onpage 1B
: push af
: push hl
: ld hl,9B9C ;charHookPtr
: call 76CC ;RunHook
: pop hl
: jr z,77A7
: pop af
: res 5,(iy+35)
: ret
: jr z,74
: pop af
: push hl
: ld hl,9B75
: ex (sp),hl
: jp 28EF
: ex (sp),hl
: push af
: push de
: ld e,(hl)
: inc hl
: ld d,(hl)
: inc hl
: ld a,(hl)
: out (06),a
: ex de,hl
: pop de
: pop af
: ex (sp),hl
: ret
So Basically do something like this
ld hl,fonthook
B_CALL 4fe4h
db 83h ;tios checks this byte always 83h
;do custom font hook stuff
cp a ;set z flag telling tios to use
; custom font
-Andy Hochhaus
--- Ronald Teune <rtwolf@gmx.net> wrote:
> ti83plus.inc:
> (...)
> localLanguage EQU 9B73h
> cursorHookPtr EQU 9B7Ch
> rawKeyHookPtr EQU 9B84h
> getKeyHookPtr EQU 9B88h
> fontHookPtr EQU 9B9Ch -->So there
> is a font hook! Probably.
> (...)
> Ronald.
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