[A83] Re: Delays and grayscales
[A83] Re: Delays and grayscales
At 16:48 2001-10-02, you wrote:
>Wow.. that's some interesting stuff. So you are saying that the speed of
>the z80 is dependent of the battery status? That sounds very strange.
>Say that the Z80 is running at 6MHz (6mil cycles per sec.), then with
>bad batteries you would only get like 4MHz? Isn't there a clock
>generator that makes sure that the CPU exectues exactly those 6 mil
>cycles per second?
The clock circuit is a very simple one, called an RC-oscillator. It is
(extarnal of the cpu chip) just one resistor and one capacitor, and the
values of these defines the speed.
This setup is as said, dependant on voltage level, and also temperature.
That is right, in cold weather, the calc will run at a different speed then
in warm, with the same batteries...