[A83] APD Timer and Interrupts on a regular 83


[A83] APD Timer and Interrupts on a regular 83

My Algebra 3/Trig teacher has been complaining that her TI-83 shuts off too fast.  She always has fresh batteries and runs no programs (save a few BASIC math prgms) on it.  I was wondering if there was any way to make a little program that would change the APD timer for good. (until the next reset)  I know that on an 83+ to RESET the APD timer you use this:

ld a,$74       ;$74 is the reset value for APD COUNTER
ld (8449h),a     ;8449h is the adress for apdTimer

              ;I got the info at:  http://www.radicalsoft.org/michael/info/APD.txt

Is that the same on the 83 or not?  And would I need to have an interrupt running in the background all of the time (I've seen a few of these little prgms on 83's and 82's before).  Any code or program theory that you could give me would be very much appreciated.  Thanks for any help.  Maybe I can have my first "useful" ASM program soon.

My AIM SN is: ShaftAdams

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