[A83] Re: Secret program


[A83] Re: Secret program

Interupt on 83+ are at variable speed.. just look at:

Hope that help

On Saturday 17 November 2001 12:33 pm, you wrote:
> > From: "Ronald Teune" <rtwolf@gmx.net>
> >
> > What about the 'secret program' Tijl Coosemans mentioned? Is it still
> > secret? I meant the interrupt thing.
> Well, it's not public yet, but I'll tell you what it is.
> It's an interrupt based greyscale routine for the 83- with no flicker at
> all whatever your battery status is. The only problem is that it eats
> processor power so it's probably useless in games. I still have to try
> that out though.
> On the 83+ it didn't work because its interrupt speed is about twice as
> fast as on the 83- and that caused a garbled screen. With some more
> tests it might be possible to work something out.
> Tijl Coosemans
