[A83] Re: Quick quistion about djnz
[A83] Re: Quick quistion about djnz
Original Message
From: "Olle Hedman"<alh@home.se>
Subject: [A83] Re: Quick quistion about djnz
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 11:07:36 +0100
>At 02:04 2001-11-16, you wrote:
>>about your original question, it does a jr. Sometimes when you have too
>>much code in the loop you have to replace the djnz with dec b \ jp nz,
>To get technical, yes, it is a relative jump, _like_ jr. but it is not "a
>djnz is an instruction of its own with its own opcode, and not translated
>to anything else when compiled, which one can think you imply when you say
>it does "a jr".
>And like all relative jumps, it has a range limit, and if the range is to
>long, you can't use it but have to use something other, like your example.
Well, thats what I meant =P
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