[A83] Re: Variables >Ram ?!


[A83] Re: Variables >Ram ?!

> Van: Ronald Teune <rtwolf@gmx.net>
> Hi,
> a weird thing happened on a classmate's calc (83+).
> The variable (equ) 'v' grew and grew.
> First it was about 17000 bytes, at the end it was >28000 bytes (!) with
> more things in ram (!!) so that the total amount exceeded 32kb (!!!)
> How can this be possible!?

I've seen that others have responded too, and indeed it's just the sizebyte
that gets overwitten with a wrong value. But why are u, v and w most
common to have this (from what I've seen)? Are they created before any
other vars? So the stack could overwrite their VAT info, and buggy asm
programs their sizebytes?

I do know that there are variables (like the 'Yn=') that shouldn't be
deleted as since the TIOS expects that they always exist. When you deleted
them via the TIOS (mem -> delete -> all) they are merely resized to 0
bytes. See the Ti83+ sdk for more info.

	Henk Poley <><