[A83] Re: Using appvars for external levels


[A83] Re: Using appvars for external levels

>I asked this earlier and someone replied that it would be incompatible
>with the 83 and 82 then, but wouldn't it be pretty easy to convert an
>appvar <-> program?  (Not that I can do it.)

Probably just change 15h to 5h. That could be easily don with and 10h (?)(I
don't understand totally the meaning of and/or, etc because I never use
them, but this could be right).

;           Data Type Equates
RealObj         EQU       0
ListObj         EQU       1
MatObj          EQU       2
EquObj          EQU       3
StrngObj        EQU       4
ProgObj         EQU       5
ProtProgObj     EQU       6
PictObj         EQU       7
GDBObj          EQU       8
UnknownObj      EQU       9
UnknownEquObj   EQU       0Ah
NewEquObj       EQU       0Bh
CplxObj         EQU       0Ch
CListObj        EQU       0Dh
UndefObj        EQU       0Eh
WindowObj       EQU       0Fh
ZStoObj         EQU       10h
TblRngObj       EQU       11h
LCDObj          EQU       12h
BackupObj       EQU       13h
AppObj  EQU   14h  ;application, only used in menus/link
AppVarObj EQU   15h  ;application variable
TempProgObj     EQU       16h           ;program, home deletes when finished
GroupObj        EQU       17h           ;group.