[A83] Re: Uncharted capabilities of the 83+
[A83] Re: Uncharted capabilities of the 83+
At 02:28 AM 11/8/2001 -0800, you wrote:
>I sometimes see those blods, too. If they damage the LCD, what about those
>two color pong? I haven't played that game much, but if you ae playing it,
>does it mean that your LCD is getting bad?
>And at least in Turkey, if my LCD is worn out and if I bring it to the
>distributor for replacement, I would be told that my calculator is
>infected by a virus and the warranty is void. (My link port was broken and
>I brought it, but they didn't replace my calculator saying that it is
>infected by a virus and all the games carry viruses. :p Then I contacted
>TI and they spoke with the disributor. At the end, the distributor had to
>replace my calculator.)
Hehe. A virus. Now, if you had been running lots of current through it,
like the one guy who was running his calc through a variable power supply,
and somebody cranked it to +10V, they might have an argument.