[A83] Re: Uncharted capabilities of the 83+
[A83] Re: Uncharted capabilities of the 83+
> At 22:23 2001-11-07, you wrote:
> >"On" button expecting to see the "Ram Cleared" screen, when I saw a blue
> >line. I repeat, a blue line. I pressed Enter. The blue line shifted to
> >another part of the screen. I pressed Enter repeatedly, each time the
> line
> Heh. the classical blue lines. Has been mentioned on this list, and
> discussed about once or twice a year since the ti83 non-plus days.
> Maybe we should write an FAQ for this list.
I had the same idea.
I collected some tilemap-emails & some ld (hl),a emails & I can put this on
the net too.
> If you know how to program, you recreate it by sending a certain command
> to
> the lcd driver, that put it into an undocumented "test mode" (undocumented
> in the way that the manufacturer of the lcd driver says nothing more about
> it then "test mode, do not use")
> > Hehe, not harmful?! My screen misses 5 lines. Sometimes they display
> > normally, but after a while they just drop out again. And I guess
> that's
> > because of all the BLODs I've had. It just looks like some circuit
> burned
> > half through. And belief me, missing lines on your screen is quite
> annoying.
> This is new news though!
> First time I have heard anyone claim damaged lcd due to BLODs. Have you
> done a lot of experimenting with them?
> Others that have experimented a lot with them has claimed that it hasn't
> hurt their lcd at all.
I have experimented quite a lot (imho) too, but no damage (luckily)
> I have always suspected that it is harmful to the lcd.
> I guess its hard to prove or disprove. (anyone want to give me a hundred
> brand new ti83s or so, so I could do a scientific test on this? :)
> ///Olle
Ronald Teune @School
Anything that's good&useful is made of chocolats
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