[A83] Re: What 's real-hex en normal hex?


[A83] Re: What 's real-hex en normal hex?

> Van: Adriaan Coosemans <adriaanc@mail.com>
> I know what 'hexadecimaal'(this is a dutch term and I don't know what the
> translation is) is, but I read in your mails something about real-hex and
> normal hex. What's the difference or what is this?

I guess you are talking about an email I send...

ASCII hex is something like "789ABCD2", so the hexadecimal numbers are
stored so you can print them directly (via _puts). That kind is used by the
Ti83 to store assembly programs. The Ti83 converts it to "normal hex" when
needed. ASCII hex takes 2 times the space of "normal hex".

Normal hex is stored just like machine code, for example: .db

	Henk Poley <><